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A little-known fact about trauma and unconscious beliefs

If they are not acknowledged, healed, and released, they will become a subtle guiding force throughout your life. Past wounds will always guide you to unconsciously seek out situations that repeat similar hurts (manipulation, narcissism, abandonment, being taken advantage of, etc.) This is your mind’s way of trying to recreate the trauma that needs to be acknowledged so that you can finally heal and move forward.

How To Work With Me

Trauma and Anxiety Release

Gently and effectively heal past trauma that has been keeping you stuck in toxic patterns.

Release generalized anxiety by getting to the root of the problem.

Don’t know why you feel like a walking bucket of emotions that’s about to spill over? I’ll help you find the source and clear it!

(Psssst! Check out the video at the top of this page for an in-depth explanation of how trauma keeps us stuck!)

Dating and Relationship Help

Break the off-again, on-again cycle and find the healthy, secure relationship you deserve

Repel those pesky narcissists!

Find your self-love center and never settle for less again

Start dating confidently, and embrace love like you've never been hurt!

Clarity of Mind

Sometimes we all just need an intuitive person to see our blind spots

You've come so far on your healing journey, now let's spring you forward into that magical version of you that you know is in there!


Find your spark and own your power

Pricing Options

90 minutes session


Book Your Discovery Call

Package of 4 x 90 minutes sessions


Book Your Discovery Call

Book Your Free Discovery Call

Discover how I can help you to to help you find your inner peace and reconnect to your truth

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